Welcome Traveler! I hope you enjoy your stay in my Kingdom. I'm Rain, Once an ordinary person like you, now transformed into a demonic gremlin catgirl...it's a long story. I Now spend my days thirsting over anime waifus, being disgustingly bad at games and screaming unprovoked like the disaster I am. I hope you enjoy your stay...because you're stuck here forever. You Can't even leave the Page. Don't even try. Wait, why are you clicking exit, wai-Shine Bright, Eternal Star, and Welcome to the Kingdom

"Gaze upon the mirror, what do you see, child?"
"I- I'm not sure really. I don't really look into these things anymore. I'm- I don't even recognize myself really."
"You truly don't? Or you just don't want to?"
Rain's head remained bowed, ruffled bangs curtaining their face, their unsteady heartbeat pulsing through their body, causing their fingers to tremble. Their shaky legs also did not provide a good foundation.The voice spoke again, a silky tone that could melt an iceberg with its warmth, and inspire growth in a tundra with the life that surged through the chime of its alto pitch."Look up. The stars you seek are above, not below. Look at yourself. For once, truly look."A little shake of the head. A stilted, quivering breath. A throat as dry as desert sand. Nevertheless, Rain, reluctantly, achingly, but at the same time, desperately, raised their head.The sight in the glass yanked out a gasp from their chest. A pair of eyes stared back at them, with one having the pale, but brilliant white shimmer of a diamond, the other appearing as if carved from amethyst. Sharp and alert black cat ears peeked over their now-purple hair, which had lengthened down their shoulders, as if the hair was a river bursting through a dam, being let free to travel down the valley of Rain's back. A charcoal- colored scar was now etched under the almost glass-like white eye, though somehow, it managed to make their face more of a marvel, rather than mar it with a blemish. Rain felt black claws graze their face when they held their hand up to feel their smooth skin. Little panicked pants escaped their gaping lips."Wh-what is this? What have you done?"A little chuckle came from the voice, not mocking, but endearing, almost loving."The mirror of destiny seeks not to highlight your flaws, nor to augment your beauty. It only serves to reveal who you truly are, and to reflect that light across the boundless sky. Fly, my child, and become the flame of hope that ignites this kingdom, for what was once lost, can be found, and what was once broken, can always be made better"Rain's body quaked, though they managed to somehow prevent their legs from buckling. They stared into the mirror, back into the two crystallized eyes that reflected much: pain, fear, hesitation, sadness...but yet, they still glowed like the brightest flames.Little did Rain know, this was only the beginning.

Twitch: Where I make a fool of myself for your amusement/bemusement. Catch me here if you want to watch me scream for no reason, struggle to pick a game to save my life and play with the skills and knowledge of a 2 and a half year old child with crayons up their nose. Please consider following and catching a stream if you can, I would love for you to be there! I don't bite...hard...or often...okay I bite but-

Ah yes, my Youtube where I make extremely professional videos on topics such as "Which Scion would win in a cage match?" and a video essay that is just me simping for Shenhe and Ahri (Disclaimer: these videos may or may not actually happen). If you would like to see some edited, meme-y videos that show my chaotic nature in 1080p glory, please check it out and subscribe if you like what I put out. I would forever be appreciative :)

Does something like Twitter even need an introduction? I would give it an explanation, but I'd probably hit the app's character limit ;-; If you want to keep up with me and my shenanigans outside of the Content (TM), check out my Twitter for ramblings about random stuff, squealing, screaming, wholesome comments...this is just my video content but in written form, isn't it?

I'm not going to lie: this is just gonna be me dumping Youtube thumbnails, commissioned art and a sickening amount of G-posing and other in-game screenshots :') But if you're interested in me trying to learn how to take a picture, please hit that button to look at my "Gram" or whatever Gen Z calls it...I'm Gen Z, I'm insulting myself here, I-

Honestly, I don't know either fam. This is gonna be a random mess of me acting a fool. But I mean, support me plz senpai? ;-; I'll figure out this app eventually, in like, 2025

Time to get to know me more intimately than you'd like to xD1. Quickfire Favourites
Colour? Dark Blue and Red...which makes me wonder why my brand colour is purple
Season? Winter, so that I can cuddle my pillow...you thought I'd say partner? You sweet summer child-
Game? The Critically Acclaimed Final Fantasy 14, which has a free trial up to-
Movie? Spider-man Into the Spiderverse, I relate heavily to Miles and my mom still banters me for crying while watching it
Music Artist? Stray Kids. Yes, I Love K-pop, no, please don't leave
Comfort Show? The Simpsons (IT'S STILL GOOD TO ME DAMMIT)
Food? Pizza, I'm an basic little whore
Animal? Lion. I'm from Africa, I kinda have to say I love lions
Hobby? Writing is my first love and eternal partner, but singing and streaming are admirable side hoes ;-;
Weapon? This is a very strange question to ask on a first date, But I guess I like bows??
2. Why did you decide to start making content?
I honestly love making people smile and happy. I think we all deserve a little brightness in our lives and if I can bring a sliver of it with my goofy personality, then I've done my job. On a more selfish side, I am pretty lonely and socially anxious, and I want to use streaming to become more confident and forge connections with people in whatever way I can, so that all our stars can connect into a bright universe!!
(Authors note: My editor- who is just me- has informed me that I've used enough star metaphors in this carrd already, I would like to humbly apologise)
3. Your Content creation inspirations?From a "Big Vtuber" perspective, three names instantly pop up: Mori Calliope, Ironmouse and Akuma Nihmune. Mori pulled me into the Vtuber rabbit hole that I'm now stuck in forever and is just an inspiration to me, from her confidence to her musical ability. Ironmouse's postive attitude and just, will and determination never cease to amaze me and she's helped teach me the value of pushing through any obstacles that may be in my way. Last but not least, Nimu taught me that it's okay to be a botto- jokes aside, her growth as both a creator and a person is just incredible to me and she's a content creator I would want to follow in the footsteps of one day.4. What do you want from life?
We haven't even finished our starters yet babe, this is a deep question to ask on a first date I-
Well, let me give the cliched but true answer: I want to be content with my life. The past few years have felt like an avalanche. I want to claw myself out and see the sunshine again, and through making videos and streaming, getting into music more seriously and writing more, I think I can do that. I hope I can do that.5. Final, most important question: Top or bottom?
...I think it should be very obvious by now

Well, you've made it this far...for starters, how? I've been rambling your ear off for the past 8 years it feels like.I just, wanted to leave this here to say, thank you. For looking at this carrd. For considering checking out my stuff. For any likes or subscriptions or follows or support that you may give me. Hell, even for the suspicious glance you give to my profiles because I'm being a disaster on main again. Just, thank you. It means the world to me.Your support pushes me one step closer to my dream of ruling this kingdom and well, away from lore, finally ruling my life. Thank you for giving me the gift of your time.You, yes you, have more than that. You have many gifts to give this world, and I hope you know that you matter to someone. I hope you know that you're worthy and loved. I hope that you know, that you have a place here.Let your star burn brightly, and allow the mirrors of the universe to reflect your light across the endless skies, forevermore.With love from your 4th favourite Internet Cat-Demon
See ya, see ya!